Thursday, February 5, 2009

Money, Oh Money, Where art Thou?

Checking the status of my credit card this morning, I had a rude awakening. I am broke. As this is the case with most college students I don't expect any pitty from anyone. However, I am quite confused as I have 2 jobs. Granted, I work only about 25 hours a week at the most, but still. So where is my money going?

Booze? No, I only spent $25 this month out and about.
Food? Could be. I spent about $150 eating out and at the grocery store. I am making an effort to eat at home more which has already saved me about twenty bucks this week alone.
Clothes: Not this month. After last months disastrous $200 bill for clothes I only spent $8.75 at the clothing store I work at which was for 2 super duper clearance items.
Misc: Nope. I went to the movies twice the whole month and bought one $5 movie (Romeo + Juliet with Leo DeiCaprio and Claire Danes) and one Birthday card for 3 dollars.

The Verdict:
I need to become anorexic which would save me plenty of money. Just Kidding. I love food way too much to do that.

*As a side note I did fail to mention the $100 dollars my friend conned me into spending on the Bud Light tent for Mardi Gras in St. Louis....BUT in my defense I am only young once and have never been.

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