Thursday, February 12, 2009

What I Learned as a History Major:

1. Syphilis: an oldie but a goodie
2. "Warm Relations" a great term for nookie
3. Hitler ate 1 lbs of chocolate a day as well as got off when girls peed in his mouth--eww
4. John Smith is a Liar. He wasn't good looking like in the movies and Pocahontas didn't care about him at all. Stupid narcissist
5. Frederick Jackson Turner "Frontier Thesis" 1893
6. Hooker: term that came from General Hooker in the Civil War who "had a way with the

7. President Monroe is the only president to be wounded in battle.
8. Croce an Italian historian, not an Annales school
9. A "Flank" is a fancy term for turning an army
10. The worst president ever was Buchanan
11. Hitler also wanted to be an artist, but wasn't very good
12. President Polk added the most territory to the US
13. There is someone named Fukuyama. Best name EVER.
14. Dr. Seuss used to make WWII propaganda films before he was known as Sr. Seuss
15. Always check people's sources. Sneaky F---ers will make them up.
16. Beaver wars, an actual war. Not a quest for the
17. Indian tribes in the south were the original Village People
18. For more drama in your notes add music. ex: and then the french introduced whiskey to
the Indians. Buh Buh Baaahhh
19. Another term for whoopie, "physical synchronicity"
20. Reading is overrated. Everything you need to know about a book you can learn from the
cover of a book and a book review.

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