Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Dictionary Slutanica

-- Go to and type in your answers to the following questions in the box at the top.
-- Post the FIRST definition it gives you. (Don't CHEAT!)
-- Tag 10 people
-- If you are tagged you must do it!

1.) Your name? Elizabeth


AWESOME! awesome awesome. awesomeness. more awesome.

omg i love elizabeth she rules at life

2.) Your favorite number? 21
The age at which someone finally becomes human.

3.) One of your friends? Tiffany
"Tifinie" is used in Old French to mean "Epiphany." Tiffany is a name given to mostly American girls, it became popular during the early 1980s. The stereotype that comes with the name is a sexy cheerleader type, or sexy girl.

The name Tiffany was made famous in popular culture first by Charles Lewis Tiffany, the jeweler who would found the famous Tiffany & Co. in New York City.

There's a movie called "Breakfast At Tiffany's" and a song.

During the 1980s there was a teen pop star named Tiffany.

Nicknames and other spellings of Tiffany; Tiff, Tiffy, Tiffie, Tiffani and Tiphanie

The Eagles' hit "Hotel California" includes the lyric, "Her mind is Tiffany-twisted...", which means she wants riches, named after Tiffany and Company Jewelry.

4.) What should you be doing right now? Nothing

Actually means "something," but is used when you don't feel like explaining.
Hey, whatcha doin'?

(clearly working on something complex and important) Nothing.

5.) Favorite color? Pink
slang reference to the vagina
"im gonna get me some pink"

6.) Birthplace? Grand Island, NE

Grand Island is a vile town in eastern Nebraska wherein all manner of despicable persons reside.
"Grand Island" is a complete misnomer, as the town is neither grand nor an island.
"I caught herpes from a meth-whore in Grand Island."
-Thats really sad. But super funny. Glad I didn't grow up

7.) Month of your birth? August
The idea of perfection. The 8th Month of the year in certain European and Asian cultures signifies greatness in achieving perfection, or something close to it.
You look August tonight my love!

8.) Last person you talked to? my boss
the saucy bosse means to cum and get a bunch of semen in one hand and also shit in the opposite hand at the same time then slap someones face. one hand on each side. the more you have in each hand, and the more thats gets on them, the better you pulled it off.

punching them in the nose so they bleed is also optional afterwards so it all mixes together.
"My boss's daughter woudnt stop laughin at me so i had to prep up and give her the biggest saucy bosse ever given, it connected even though she was wearin glasses because of the splatter back."

9.) One of your nicknames? Liz

basically the definition of being amazingly cool and fun. can dance black as hell, whether their black or not. athletic, fun and wild. gets into trouble a lot. says stupid things, but people like Liz's. sexy, and fiiiiiiiine.

damn liz, will you be my baby's mama?
hey liz, can i please worship you, YOU'RE MY IDOL.

10.)Favorite food: Bacon
n. Delicious strips of juicy, pork heaven. Served often at breakfast with eggs, but perfectly good served alone and at any time of day.
Joe: "There are only two kinds of people in this world, those who love bacon..."

John: "...and those who love bacon but won't admit it."

1 comment:

  1. this was so effing funny! I almost peed when i did mine!!
