Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Too Bad Our Parents Name Us

During my Historical Research and Methods course (my culminating senior class, WOO HOO), I stumbled upon a curious question. What does our name say about who we are? Well, it says nothing about who we are because it more or less describes what our parents want for us. With a name like William, George, or Harold a parent could only hope for a senator, doctor, or lawyer. Those given monickers like Scott, Hunter, or perhaps Lukas are maybe hoping for an athlete of some sort. Really these are just simple observations.

If I had the opportunity to pick my name it would be:

Svetlana Yatzee

Becuase: A. Svetlana is a very pretty Russian name who could be a secretary by day and a spy at night. B. Yatzee is a fabulous last name because no one can yell Yatzee without smiling and if anyone knows me they know that I like to make people smile.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I thought that I should show you all a picture of me so that you can put an image to my words.

This photo was taken in December at the Christmas Parade in my hometown with my sister and nephew. (But they are cropped out).

My First Official Blog

My name is Elizabeth. And yes, it is Elizabeth, not Beth, Betsy, Liza, Eliza, Lisa, Liz, or Lizzy. Only a few special people have the right to call me Liz.

Currently, I am at work in the student computer lab and wanted to see what this whole blogging thing was about. Well here it is. In all my wondrous glory I will let all of you know about my life and the random thoughts that run through my little head.

The blog's title comes from a friend who was just describing to me that there are lucky lucky people out in the world that get paid to blog about their lives. Unfortunately, I am not one of those people. I am just incredibly bored at work.